The Unusuals is a comedy-drama television series that aired on ABC from April 8 to June 17, 2009 in the U.S. and Global in Canada. The pilot and first episode were written by Noah Hawley, a former writer and producer for Fox's Bones. An ABC press release described The Unusuals as "like a modern-day M*A*S*H" that "explores both the grounded drama and comic insanity of the world of New York City police detectives, where every cop has a secret". Its premise elaborated: The initial series order was for 10 episodes. Show creator Noah Hawley announced via his Twitter account in mid-May 2009 that ABC would not be bringing the show back for a second season.
Currently, you can only stream The Unusuals on Fubo in the the United States.
You can buy or rent The Unusuals on the following streaming services in the the United States: Google Play, Amazon and iTunes.
The first season of The Unusuals was released in 2009.
There is currently one season of The Unusuals, which was released in 2009.
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