The Fixer is a British drama television series, produced by Kudos for ITV. Set in modern Britain, it follows the life of John Mercer, an ex-British Special Forces soldier, arrested by police for killing his aunt and uncle following his discovery of their abuse of his sister, Jess Mercer. John Mercer is released early from prison to serve in a covert state security squad as a government-backed assassin responsible for eliminating criminals and renegade police officers that the law cannot apprehend.
Currently, you can only stream The Fixer on Prime Video in the the United States.
Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent The Fixer on any of the streaming services in the the United States at the moment.
The first season of The Fixer was released in 2008.
Currently there are 2 Seasons of The Fixer. The and to date the last season of The Fixer was released in 2009.
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