The Fairly OddParents is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around Timmy Turner, a 10-year old boy who is granted two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda. The series started out as cartoon segments that ran from September 4, 1998 to March 23, 2001 on Oh Yeah! Cartoons and was later picked up as a series. The series is produced by Frederator Studios and, as of season 6, Billionfold, Inc. For the first four seasons, it was distributed outside the United States by the Canadian company, Nelvana International. Having aired for more than 16 years, The Fairly OddParents is the longest-running fantasy TV series in American television history, and currently stands as Nickelodeon's second longest-running animated series (behind SpongeBob SquarePants).
The Fairly OddParents is currently available on the following streaming services in the the United States: Paramount Plus and Prime + Paramount+.
You can buy or rent The Fairly OddParents on the following streaming services in the the United States: iTunes, Vudu, Amazon and Google Play.
The first season of The Fairly OddParents was released in 2001.
Currently there are 10 Seasons of The Fairly OddParents. The 10th and to date the last season of The Fairly OddParents was released in 2016.
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