Spider-Man Unlimited was an American animated series featuring the Marvel comic book superhero Spider-Man. Fox Kids later resumed airing the show from 2000 to 2001, airing 13 episodes, the last ending on a cliffhanger. Several scripts were written for Season 2, including the conclusion of the cliffhanger, but were never produced. Initially, the goal was to do an extremely low budget adaptation of the first 26 issues of The Amazing Spider-Man comic book, but Sony and Marvel had already engaged in a deal, and so Saban was cut from many source and couldn't use the traditional Spider-Man suit or adapt the early comics. Also, in the original idea, Spider-Man was stranded in a Counter-Earth in which Ben Parker didn't die and thus Peter Parker lacked the morale fortitude to resist becoming Venom. However Marvel Comics didn't like the idea and stated that they would not do a story with two Peter Parkers.
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