This home comedy tells the story of Kyoichiro and his teenage daughter Koume. One day, the two ride a train together after visiting Kyoichiro's mother-in-law. He sees it as a chance to get to know his daughter better, but he ends up getting more than that - by some mysterious force, both Kyoichiro and Koume end up with their mind in the other's body! Unfortunately, they have no choice but to swap lives, pretending to be each other at school and work.
Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter is currently available on the following streaming services in the the United States: Discovery+ and Fubo.
Currently, you can only buy or rent Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter on iTunes in the the United States, with prices starting from $15.99.
The first season of Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter was released in 2007.
There is currently one season of Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter, which was released in 2007.
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