Starting on the day a long, dormant feud between two local families is brutally reignited, this continuing drama is based around a busy Dublin Garda station. On one side, the Hennessys, a local dynasty, whose name is above half the businesses in town. On the other side, the Kielys, who have turned petty crime into a cottage industry. Charting the life and dramas of a community about to be enveloped by a feud, through the eyes of those who police it, each episode will be a mix of 'crime of the week' stories and on-going serial arcs, following principle characters in both their professional and personal lives. A powerful and moving drama, Red Rock is a contemporary western, set in the shadow of Ireland's 'gold rush'.
Unfortunately, Red Rock is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.
Currently, you can only buy or rent Red Rock on Amazon in the the United States, with prices starting from $111.99.
The first season of Red Rock was released in 2015.
Currently there are 5 Seasons of Red Rock. The and to date the last season of Red Rock was released in 2019.
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