Is It Real? is an American television series that originally aired from April 25, 2005 to August 14, 2007 on the National Geographic Channel. The program examines popular or persistent mysteries to determine whether the featured cryptozoological creature or supernatural phenomenon is real or not. The show typically includes interviews with believers or proponents of the featured paranormal claims, and then with scientists and skeptics who attempt to find rational explanations for such phenomena using a scientific approach.
Unfortunately, Is It Real? is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.
Currently, you can only buy or rent Is It Real? on Amazon in the the United States, with prices starting from $11.94.
The first season of Is It Real? was released in 2005.
Currently there are 4 Seasons of Is It Real?. The and to date the last season of Is It Real? was released in 2007.
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