Gary Unmarried is an American sitcom created by Ed Yeager, which ran on CBS from September 24, 2008 to March 17, 2010. The series focuses on a recently divorced couple sharing custody of their kids while starting new relationships. The show was produced by ABC Studios and CBS Television Studios, and Yeager and Ric Swartzlander served as Executive Producers for the first season. The series was known as Project Gary during tapings before premiering on television. On May 18, 2010, CBS announced that it had canceled the show.
Unfortunately, Gary Unmarried is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.
You can buy or rent Gary Unmarried on the following streaming services in the the United States: Google Play, iTunes, Amazon and Vudu.
The first season of Gary Unmarried was released in 2008.
Currently there are 2 Seasons of Gary Unmarried. The and to date the last season of Gary Unmarried was released in 2009.
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