Container Wars is an American reality television series on TruTV that premiered in 2013. The show features the auctioneer John Kunkle, as well as buyers: Jason R. Hughes, the Israeli team consisting of Shlomi, Eyal & Uzi, the team of Ty & Mo, Deane Molle', and Matthew Gaus. Unlike any other auction show of its kind, “Container Wars”, takes auctions to an all-new level with big money, high stakes, and giant egos. Taking place at commercial shipping ports, the series centers on a group of experts from various backgrounds who spend tens of thousands to compete for the contents of high dollar shipping containers from around the world. With only minutes to assess the containers and decide whether to bid, the pressure mounts as they walk away with big wins or go home empty handed.
You can buy or rent Container Wars on the following streaming services in the the United States: iTunes, Google Play and Amazon.
The first season of Container Wars was released in 2013.
There is currently one season of Container Wars, which was released in 2013.
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