In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children's television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one by one, puppet Phil Philips, a former LAPD detective who fell in disgrace and turned into a private eye, takes on the case at the request of his old boss in order to assist detective Edwards, who was his partner in the past.
The Happytime Murders is currently available on the following streaming services in the the United States: Netflix, Starz Play, U-NEXT, Videoland, Strim, kpn, Hungama, Vi Movies and TV, UPC Polska, Telia TV, FILMBOX+, Hulu, and Tim Vision.
You can buy or rent The Happytime Murders on the following streaming services in the the United States: Amazon, Vudu, Microsoft and Google Play.
The Happytime Murders was released 7 years ago in 2018.
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