Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bébé(s), is a 2009 French documentary film by Thomas Balmès that follows four infants from birth to when they are one year old. The babies featured in the film are two from rural areas: Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, and Bayar from Bayanchandmani, Mongolia, as well as two from urban areas: Mari from Tokyo, Japan, and Hattie from San Francisco, USA.
Babies is currently available on the following streaming services in the the United States: Netflix, Prime + ARTHAUS+, Beamafilm, CANAL+ and FILMBOX+.
You can buy or rent Babies on the following streaming services in the the United States: Vudu, iTunes, Microsoft, Amazon and Google Play.
Babies was released 15 years ago in 2010.
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