The Real Housewives of Vancouver is a Canadian reality television series on the Canadian Slice cable network. It is the first Canadian installment of The Real Housewives franchise; production for the Shaw Media series began in August 2011. The show premiered on April 4, 2012 at 9pm ET/PT. The two-hour premiere achieved the record of the highest-rated premiere in the network's history, which attracted 1.2 million viewers.
The Real Housewives of Vancouver is currently available on the following streaming services in the UK: Prime + Hayu and Hayu.
Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent The Real Housewives of Vancouver on any of the streaming services in the UK at the moment.
The first season of The Real Housewives of Vancouver was released in 2012.
Currently there are 2 Seasons of The Real Housewives of Vancouver. The and to date the last season of The Real Housewives of Vancouver was released in 2013.
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