Karuppaswamy, a widowed night watchman, lives with his sister and three nephews, Veera, Muni and Murugun in a small town in Tamil Nadu. While returning from his shift one morning, he breaks his hip in an accident. While his nephews want him to be treated in town, his son Senthil takes him to his ancestral village, to be healed by a tradiitional healer. After a few days, Kuruppaswamy dies. At his funeral, Veea hears something that makes his blood run cold. How did Kuruppaswamy die?
Baaram is currently available on the following streaming services in the UK: Prime Video, Aha, Lionsgate Play and Vi Movies and TV.
You can buy or rent Baaram on the following streaming services in the UK: Amazon and Google Play.
Baaram was released 7 years ago in 2018.
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