Take Two with Phineas and Ferb is a spin-off series from Phineas and Ferb that premiered on Disney Channel on December 3, 2010. The series revolves around Phineas and Ferb interviewing celebrities. The show's aforementioned premise bears similarities to that of Cartoon Network's late-night animated talk show Space Ghost Coast to Coast on Adult Swim. The show ran for one season, and was not picked up for a second.
Currently, you can only stream Take Two with Phineas and Ferb on Disney+ in Canada.
Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent Take Two with Phineas and Ferb on any of the streaming services in Canada at the moment.
The first season of Take Two with Phineas and Ferb was released in 2010.
Currently there are 2 Seasons of Take Two with Phineas and Ferb. The and to date the last season of Take Two with Phineas and Ferb was released in 2011.
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