StreamFat helps you find out which films and series you can't afford to miss - whether it's a currently popular series or a decades-old classic film.

Search and find films and series effectively. Filter content by genre, provider, ratings and other factors, and find the best content to stream in no time.

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Already know what content you'd like to watch online, but don't know where? Thanks to our big database, we have the answer for you. StreamFat helps you find where to stream your favourite content.

Facts & Figures

We love streaming. Here you get an overview of our portfolio.






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Our ratings

We aggregate the best films and series from various sources, and we process the data with customised filter options so that you can easily find new streaming highlights.


IMDB is one of the most popular film databases in the world. We use this together with the ratings of films and series as the basis for StreamFat.


TMDB is one of the largest community-based film databases in the world. We use this database and the ratings as another basic framework for our film and series selection.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any questions about our offer or would you like to work with us? Then contact us at any time!