Kid vs. Kat is a Canadian-American animated television series developed and produced at Studio B Productions. The show was created and co-directed by Rob Boutilier. The series is distributed by Studio B Productions. The feature revolves around a 10-year-old boy's constant battle with his sister's Sphinx cat which, in reality, is a cybernetic alien. The show premiered on YTV in Canada on October 25, 2008, aired on Disney XD in the United States on February 21, 2009, and then ended on June 4, 2011. It ran for 2 seasons, spanning 52 episodes.
Kid vs. Kat is currently available on the following streaming services in Canada: Prime Video and Tubi.
Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent Kid vs. Kat on any of the streaming services in Canada at the moment.
The first season of Kid vs. Kat was released in 2008.
Currently there are 2 Seasons of Kid vs. Kat. The and to date the last season of Kid vs. Kat was released in 2010.
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