Auction Kings is a reality television series produced by Authentic Entertainment for the Discovery Channel. The series premiered on October 26, 2010 and features the auction house Gallery 63 in Sandy Springs, Georgia, located on Roswell Road immediately north of the Atlanta city limit. The series capitalizes on the success of the History Channel's widely successful Pawn Stars. The auction house employees often rely on experts to appraise items of which historical background is provided to the viewer. Sellers offer comments regarding the merchandise at hand both before and after the auction. At the second commercial break, a multiple-choice question about the auction house or the items is presented.
Currently, you can only stream Auction Kings on Discovery+ in Canada.
Currently, you can only buy or rent Auction Kings on iTunes in Canada, with prices starting from $15.99.
The first season of Auction Kings was released in 2010.
Currently there are 4 Seasons of Auction Kings. The and to date the last season of Auction Kings was released in 2013.
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