11th Hour’s story unfolds over one night in Hyderabad. Aratrika Reddy (Tamannaah), Chairman of Aditya Group of Companies, dreams of providing clean and safe power to all the Indians at affordable prices using the revolutionary AHNR technology. However, due to a political conspiracy at the national level, Aditya Group is on the verge of liquidation. Aratrika and the key stakeholders have to pay Rs 9,000 plus crore to the Imperial Bank by 8 AM the next morning to save their company. Aratrika’s ex-husband Siddharth Singh (Vamsi Krishna), business rival Rajvardhan Rathore (Shatru), Imperial Bank Head Sundar Das (Srikanth Iyengar), a Dubai Sheikh named Prince Sadiq (Anirudh Balaji) individually place proposals worth millions in front of Aratrika, but she declines them all and awaits a miracle to save her company by sunrise. With her dreams and the company’s future at stake, will Aratrika manage to pull off a miracle or does she have a masterplan in her mind?
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