Marcel is an adorable one-inch-tall shell who ekes out a colorful existence with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. Once part of a sprawling community of shells, they now live alone as the sole survivors of a mysterious tragedy. But when a documentary filmmaker discovers them amongst the clutter of his Airbnb, the short film he posts online brings Marcel millions of passionate fans, as well as unprecedented dangers and a new hope at finding his long-lost family.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On está atualmente disponível nos seguintes serviços de streaming em Portugal: Netflix, Prime Video, Prime + Paramount+, Hoopla, HBO GO, blue TV, Strim e Globoplay.
Pode comprar ou alugar Marcel the Shell with Shoes On nos seguintes serviços de streaming em Portugal: Google Play, Rakuten e iTunes.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On foi lançado há 3 anos, em 2022.
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