Elli is an android and lives with a man she calls her father. Together they drift through the summer. During the day they swim in the pool and at night he takes her to bed. She shares his memories and anything else he programs her to recall. Memories that mean everything to him but nothing to her. Yet, one night she sets off into the woods following a fading echo… The story of a machine and the ghosts we all carry within us.
Derzeit ist The Trouble with Being Born in Deutschland ausschließlich im Streaming-Angebot von Sooner enthalten.
The Trouble with Being Born kann man bei den nachfolgenden Anbietern in Deutschland kaufen oder leihen: Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, MagentaTV und Kino On Demand.
The Trouble with Being Born wurde im Jahre 2020 veröffentlicht, also vor inzwischen 5 Jahren.
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