When the Filmmaker is told his next film must be about crime, sex or celebrity to get funded, he takes matters into his own hands and begins shooting in his home with a cast of characters connected to his own life. We first meet two English builders, employed to replace the garden fence, temporarily removing the barrier between the house and a Pakistani neighbour. This introduces the film’s central theme of hospitality which ultimately finds its expression when a homeless Slovakian man charms the Filmmaker’s Colombian cleaner to let him in and tests everyone's ideas of the expectations and boundaries between host and guests.
Aktuell ist The Filmmaker's House im Streaming-Angebot der folgenden Anbieter in Deutschland enthalten: DAFilms.com und True Story.
Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt kann man The Filmmaker's House ausschließlich bei DAFilms.com ab 3€ in Deutschland kaufen oder leihen.
The Filmmaker's House wurde im Jahre 2021 veröffentlicht, also vor inzwischen 4 Jahren.
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